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Skin HealthThe benefits of Collagen for your skin

The benefits of Collagen for your skin

Collagen is a protein that is naturally present in our skin. It controls hydration, resistance, elasticity and suppleness in our skin. It is a powerful anti-aging tool, but once we reach the age of about 25, our body may struggle to produce enough collagen on its own. This is why skin starts to wither and sag. Creams containing collagen will certainly help in the battle against aging skin. Its natural lifting properties will help keep our skin smooth and toned by providing a supportive ‘scaffold’. On the skin’s surface, it will moisturise and plump up drooping features. The visual impact of this is that lines and wrinkles will be reduced and skin will become more supple and elastic. Manuka Lane Day Cream and Manuka Lane Face Serum both contain Collagen as an ingredient.

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